CBSE – Math

KindergartenPattern identification/ShapesPattern IdentificationG
Pattern makingG
Introduction to basic shapes - Square, circle, triangle, rectangleG
NumbersUnderstanding the number conceptsNBTNS
CountingCounting ObjectsMP
Counting groupsMP

Grade 1NumbersDeveloping a sense of Numberness, Counting and operations of Numbers 1 to 9 and ZeroNBTNSMP
Shapes and SpaceLearn about shapes - Sorts and classifies themG
Develops and uses vocabulary of spatial relationship (Top, Bottom, On, Under, Inside, Outside, Above, Below, Near, Far, Before, After)G
Grade 2General Arithmetic/ NumbersReads and writes numerals for numbers up to ninetynineNS
Expands a number with respect to place values.NS
Counts and regroups objects into tens and ones.NS
Shapes and SpaceUnderstanding the 2D and 3D shapesG
Identifies 2-D shapes viz., rectangle, square, triangle, circle by their names.G
Identifies the basic 3-D shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere by their namesG
Introduction to lines - Straight, curved, draw free handG
Grade 3Number SystemReads and writes 3-digit numbers - up to 1000NS
Expands a number w.r.t. place valuesNS
Counts in different ways - starting from any number.NS

OperationsAddition and subtraction of NumbersNF

Basic GeometryCreate shapes - Identify ShapesG

Describe the 2D shapes with their sides and corners and diagonalG

Draw few 3D objects.G
Grade 4NumbersWrites multiplication factsEENS
Writes tables up to 10 × 10.EENS
OperationsMultiplies two and three digit numbers using lattice algorithm and the standard (column) algorithm.NF
Introduction to division - by drawing dots, by groupingNF
MeasurementsDescribe length and mass and explain its unit and calculation.MDNS
Compare and order objects by length, height, distance around and mass, using nonstandard units, and make statements of comparison.MD
Shapes and SpaceDrawing shapes by free handG
Identifies centre, radius and diameter of a circle.G
Grade 5Interesting CalculationsAdd and subtract fractions with unlike denominatorsNS
Understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction.NS
Finalize fluency with multi-digit addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (with fractions also).EENS
AlgorithmsUses informal and standard division algorithms

Explains the meaning of factors and multiples.EEF
MeasurementsDetermines area and perimeter of simple geometrical figures.MD
Applies the four operations in solving problems involving length,
weight and volume.
Relate volume to the operations of multiplication and addition and solve real world and mathematical problems involving volume.MP
Knowing Coordinate PlaneGraph points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems.MP
Grade 6NumbersFactors and Multiples, Test for divisibility of numbersRP
Integers and DecimalsEE
Data HandlingRecording and organizing the data, Pictograph, A bar Graph.MD
Learn about Curves, polygon, angles, tiangles, QuadrilateralsMD
AlgebraIdea of a variable, Common rules, Equation and the solution of an equationOAEE
Learn about Curves, polygon, angles, tiangles, QuadrilateralsOAEE
Ratio and ProportionRatio and proportion RP
Unitary methodRP
Basic Geometrical IdeasDraw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines.G
Learn about Curves, polygon, angles, tiangles, QuadrilateralsG
SymmetryUnderstanding SymmetryG
Reflection and symmetryG
Grade 7Ratio in Real WorldCompute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities measured in like or different units. RP

Understanding of ratios and proportionality to solve a wide variety of percent problems, including those involving discounts, interest, taxes, tips, and percent increase or decrease.RP

Advanced ArithmeticExplain and interpret the rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with negative numbers. Fraction and decimalsNF

Convert a rational number to a decimal using long divisionNF

Algebraic ExpressionsSolving problemsOA

Exponents and PowerOA

Practical GeometryPerimeter and AreaMD

Solve problemsMD

Grade 8Roots and CubesUsing square root and cube root symbols and evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes.NS

Introducing Linear EquationsAnalyzing linear equations and solve a variety of problemsEE

Solve pairs of simultaneous linear equations.EE

Data HandlingOrganize and group DataMD

Draw circle and pie graph, linear graphsMD

Introducing Pythagorean TheoremUnderstand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.MP

Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres.MPMD